Why starting a podcast has ALREADY been one of the best and scariest things I've ever done.

Follow your dreams they said. Make it happen. Put in the work and execute they said. Well now Josh and I are going for it and I'm super excited but also scared for what's to come.

Our podcast is simple. Research estimates that only 2% of people are living their lives to the fullest and on their terms. We want to meet those people and see what makes them tick - and share the journey. Hence the title, The 2% Podcast.

Now this is getting real, I am really excited. There is so much upside to what we're up to. We get to have a project that's ours, has little to no costs and we get to meet and chat to some amazing people.

But why us? The first thing that has been creeping in is the old friend, imposter syndrome. That feeling of who are we to be trying something like this? My response to my inner voice when I start questioning our decision? Someone has to win this space...why shouldn't it be us?

Then next, being vulnerable is scary. Putting myself out there is hard. Something I'm confident with in person because I read the room. But online to people I don't know...I can't quite place why, but when I dwell on it I get scared. I think: "What if we flop", "What if we don't enjoy it or we have to stop?". I am trying to change my thinking to instead add on...."that's ok" to that train of thought. Because if we do flop or no one listens or whatever...that's ok. Which is why I'm all the more pleased we have started now, because there is the 'safety net' of uni and no actual consequences to what we're doing. Meaning there's more upside.

It has allowed me to be myself. Just a confident, awkward, entrepreneurial guy. I've been editor, content marketer, financier, head of distribution...there are lots of hats to wear when there are only two of you. And we're both juggling all of them at the moment- but that's exciting.

Finally, I don't think I'm ever going to like my own voice. Does anyone? But when editing the episodes I've just had to push through that. It's not been easy. There have been lots of erms and long pauses that I nearly left in the episodes recorded so far because I didn't want to listen to myself any more. But then I am my own worst critic.

Thanks for reading - this blog was is from 2019 - you can find the link to 2% and some of my favourite episodes on the Podcast page of the website. See you in the episodes :)

ContentRyan McGee